
Showing posts from December, 2017

Ayade Presents $35,000 and a brand new Ford Escape SUV, to Miss Africa Calabar 2017.

His Excellency, Senator Ben Ayade with his Wife (Right); Prof. Ivara Esu, Deputy Governor of Cross River State with his Wife (Left); Miss Botswana, Miss Gaseangwe Balopi, winner of Miss Africa 2017 Calabar 2nd edition The Cross River Government has presented $35,000 and a brand new Ford Escape SUV to the winner of the 2017 Miss Africa Calabar 2nd edition. Presenting the 35,000 dollars cash prize and the keys to the SUV Car at the Tinapa Lakeside Hotel Calabar, the Governor who was represented by his Chief of Staff, Martin Orim, described the reigning Queen, Gaseangwe Balopi of Botswana as the beauty of Africa. Orim who maintain that Africa remains the riches continent in the world, charged the queen to live above board and make Africans proud. She has Miss Rwanda, Fiona Muthoni Naringwa, 23 and Miss South Africa, Luyolo Mngonyama, 26 as her First and Second Runners Up respectively.  Naringwa and Mngonyama carted away with $10,000 and $5,000 cash prizes, while Balo

President Buhari Appoints three Dead Men into Boards and Agencies.

President Buhari The presidency has responded to the controversy generated by its appointment of 1,468 Nigerians into the boards of agencies and parastatals.  The list which generated huge controversy shortly after names of some dead persons were found among the appointees, is said to have created sensation amongst Nigerians. According to sources, the list show duplications and appointment of individuals that are no longer in the ruling All Progressives Congress. According to a spokesman of the president, Garba Shehu, the presidency downplayed the matter saying there was nothing scandalous about the list Garba explained that, the list could be traced to 2015 when president Buhari requested all state chapters of the All Progressive Congress to submit names of 50 party members for board appointments Meanwhile, former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani Kayode, in his official twitter handle berated President Muhammadu Buhari for appointing three dead men into the bo

A Pictorial Account of Carnival Calabar 2017

Photos of 2017 Carnival Calabar                                                              Governor Ben Ayade                                                         Former Governor Donald Duke The Bikers Carnival                                                      

Ayade and Duke Leads Power Bikers in 2017 Calabar Bikers Carnival

Governor Ben Ayade and former Governor Donald Duke all of Cross River State led over 300 power Bikers in an acrobatic display of state of the art exotic power bikes in the 2017 Bikers Carnival. The Bikers segment of carnival Calabar which held today kicked of at about 2:pm. The colourful event was withnessed by spectators on the 12-kilometer Carnival route.

Egypt executes 15 over Sinai attack.

Egypt has hanged 15 militants who were convicted of carrying out attacks on security forces in the Sinai Peninsula in 2013, authorities say. According to reporters, the executions were carried out yesterday  at two prisons in the north of the country, where the men were held. They were convicted of killing soldiers, carrying out assassinations, and destroying military vehicles. It was the first mass execution in the country since six jihadists were hanged in 2015. Sinai has in recent years been beset by an insurgency, with jihadist groups including so-called Islamic State (IS) attacking targets including army, police and judges. Last week, IS blew up a grounded helicopter with an anti-tank missile at a North Sinai airport, killing an army officer and wounding two others. And in November, suspected IS militants carried out a devastating bomb and gun attack on a mosque in North Sinai that killed more than 250 people. In the wake of that attack, President Abdul Fattah al-

Showcasing the rich Cultural Calabar Carnival

The 2017 cultural carnival Calabar has held yesterday in Calabar. The event featured 26 states of Nigeria and all the 18 local government areas in Cross River State. The event is aimed at showcasing Nigeria’s rich cultural content to the world as well as develop art, craft and take them to the next level. No fewer than two million tourists from Nigeria and abroad are expected in the state to witness the “largest street carnival” in Africa.

Routine environmental pollution, a major source of violence in Niger Delta

The continual environmental pollution of the Niger-Delta states by the oil companies through exploration in the area is a major source for youth violence. At frequent occasions, oil waste minerals or sludge are either buried, burnt or dumped on to escalate over the years and caused damage to the farmlands, fishes, waters and endanger the overall ecosystem without excluding a threat to human health in and around the oil producing communities. The failure of successive governments to protect the land and people of the Niger Delta from the hazards of hydrocarbon activities such as oil spillages and sea pages, human right violence. Study indicates  that when environmental impact of oil exploration and production occurs, as has become a routine in the Niger Delta, there is usually no attempt to rectify the damages done to the environment, health and social wellbeing of the people and the ecosystem.           The ravages of erosion are felt in virtually all the oil producing comm