
Showing posts from February, 2018

Nigeria would be better without Buhari’s “analogue system” says Babangida

Former Nigerian head of state Ibrahim Babangida has asked President Muhammadu Buhari to shelve any plans to seek reelection in 2019, noting that Nigeria would be better without Buhari’s “analogue system.” “I do not intend to deny President Buhari his inalienable right to vote and be voted for, but there comes a time in the life of a nation when personal ambition should not override national interest,” Babangida said in a statement issued by his spokesman Kassim Afegbua on Sunday. The man, who annulled arguably the freest election in Nigeria, said “I do not intend to deny President Buhari his inalienable right to vote and be voted for, but there comes a time in the life of a nation when personal ambition should not override national interest,” Babangida said in a statement issued by his spokesman Kassim Afegbua on Sunday. He said, “This is the time for us to reinvent the will (sic) and tap into the resourcefulness of the younger generation, stimulate their entrepreneurial initi

Covenant University: first in Nigeria’s stage of the global CFA Institute Research Competition

Covenant University is to represent Nigeria at the global CFA Institute Research competition this year. Covenant University came first in Nigeria’s stage of the global CFA Institute Research competition in Lagos on Saturday to emerge as Nigeria’s representative at the Regional CFA competition in Dublin, Ireland, on April 4 and April 5. It beat University of Lagos and Obafemi Awolowo University which emerged second and third place winners, respectively. Eight universities in Nigeria took part in the competition. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the CFA competition in Nigeria is sponsored by Zenith International Bank in partnership with CFA Society in Nigeria. The CFA Institute Research Challenge is the world most prestigious investment research competition among university students globally. It is aimed at promoting best practices in equity research among the next generation of analysts. The competition promotes ethics and best practices in investment re

Cross River community Invaded by Cameroonian Soldiers

PHOTO AFP Cameroonian soldiers have invaded Nigerian communities in Cross River State, the second time in two months. The soldiers had reportedly killed a Nigerian and a Cameroonian refugee in Danare, Boki Local Government Area (LGA) of the state in December, last year. The incident followed a military crackdown on Anglophone secessionists in the neighboring nation, resulting in displaced persons streaming into Nigerian territory.Sources at Danare said the soldiers stormed the community on Thursday, demanding that the village head hand over some refugees to them. The leader turned down the request and the troops left without hurting anybody. On Monday night, however, the soldiers returned. Numbering between 50 and 100, they allegedly crossed the international border into Danare, searching for Cameroonian militants said to have sought refuge in Nigeria. The militants had allegedly attacked the soldiers, prompting the reprisal. The Spokesman for the community and a former co
Singer, song writer and producer IFEANYI UCHENDU  has released another single after PIOM PIOM and ABASI JIREH. According to him, the new hit single which was produced by PD and dedicated to his mother is tittled: ONYINYECHI '' she is a true African Woman,this is my own way of saying thanks to her and every mother out there''. Download ONYINYECHI here: ifeanyidiworship1

North Korea Flaunts UN Sanctions, Earned Nearly $200m (£141m) by Exporting Banned Commodities

North Korea earned nearly $200m (£141m) last year by exporting banned commodities in breach of international sanctions, a UN report says. The confidential report by a panel of experts said several countries including China, Russia and Malaysia had failed to stop the illegal exports. It said there was evidence of military co-operation with Syria and Myanmar. Pyongyang is subject to sanctions from the US, UN and EU over its nuclear and ballistic missile programmes. But the report, which was submitted to the UN Security Council and seen by news agencies, said the North "continued to export almost all the commodities prohibited in the resolutions... between January and September 2017". The report said several unnamed multinational oil companies were being investigated for their alleged role in supplying petroleum products to North Korea. It said shipments of coal had been delivered to China, Malaysia, South Korea, Russia and Vietnam in breach of sanctions using &qu

Nigerian Army to begin Operation Python Dance III, says Buratai

The Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lt-Gen. Tukur Buratai, has disclosed that the Nigerian Army would soon deploye its personnel to various parts of the country to curtail ongoing threat to security in the country. He said the troops would be deployed under Special Forces, such as Operation Python Dance III in the Southeast, Operation Crocodile Smile III in the Niger Delta and Southwest and Harbin Kunama III in the North to contend cattle rustling in that part of the country. Buratai spoke in Abuja, yesterday, after leading officers and men on an annual 15-kilometre route match that culminated at the Mogadishu Cantonment in the city, tasked officers and men to be on alert. He reiterated that some officers and men could be deployed at short notice to assist what he called “civil authorities” to contend insecurity in any part of the country and charged them to be prepared for the task. The army chief could not, however, give a clear picture on whether the troops would carry out si

Drive-by attack in Italy Macerata: Foreigners targeted, say police

Not less than four people have been injured in a series of drive-by shootings in a central Italian town, with one man arrested. According to BBC news, a ll of those injured in Macerata are foreigners, they added. The office of the town's mayor warned people in a tweet to stay indoors because of the incident. The shootings were reported in different parts of Macerata, including near the town's train station. It is unclear how many people were inside the vehicle, which was a black Alfa Romeo. Police said the injured - which some reports put as high as six - were being treated in hospital. They said that all those targeted were foreigners and local reports said the victims were black immigrants. Gunfire was heard in the Via Spalato and Via dei Velini parts of town, two key areas in an investigation into the murder of an 18-year-old girl whose body was found last Wednesday.